
AEM sites master architect certification preparation questions - AD0-E117 - Free - Don't buy dumps

dispatcher ignoreurlparam rule -1 /ignoreUrlParams {     # ignore-all-url-parameters-by-dispatcher-and-requests-are-cached     /0001 { /glob "*" /type "allow" }     # allow-the-url-parameter-nocache-to-bypass-dispatcher-on-every-request     /0002 { /glob "nocache" /type "deny" } } CTT enable wipe mode  and One question related to user sync -2 dispatcher secure content vs CDN caching 2 steps to consider before migrating assets What other two actions should the Architect do to the on-premise AEM before proceeding with the ingestion/extraction phase in CTT smart crop vs smart imaging - question is which to chose for aspect ratio  question to revamp from multiple static templates with different properties in each template to be migrated to editable templates 2 types to tests executed before go live- stress/load segmentnotfound error in logs - answer is to revert to last best version of segment 1 question related to reindex 1 question related to Adobe

Enhance content/asset search in AEM DAM/Azure Storage using FAISS vector database

    Use Case: Search for similar assets in AEM DAM/Azure Storage using the FAISS vector database. For example, searching for images classified as male. This approach is particularly useful when metadata is unavailable for a given set of assets and duplicate/similar assets needs to be searched. Overview Fetch Images : Retrieve images from the repository. Filter Images : Use face detection and gender classification to filter the images. Extract Features : Convert the filtered images into feature vectors. Index and Search : Index these feature vectors using FAISS and find similar images. Prerequisites for Local Setup : An AEM instance with assets in DAM, Python, FAISS installed, and necessary Python libraries. Models Used ResNet50 : A deep learning model utilized for extracting features from images. The final classification layer is removed to use only the feature extraction part. Steps 1. Fetch Images from AEM DAM The script retrieves images from the AEM DAM. 2. Image Processing Face Det

Batch Script for Efficient AEM Upgrade: A Developer's Time-Saving Tool

  AEM developers need frequent upgrades as a necessity to ensure that your environment remains up-to-date with the latest features and fixes.  Prerequisites Make sure to download the latest version of the AEM local sdk package Ensure you already have a local instance of older version of AEM local sdk version. Script Overview This Windows batch script performs the following actions: Extracts the JAR File : Prompts you to enter the path to a ZIP file containing the new JAR file. It then extracts the ZIP file to a temporary folder and identifies the JAR file. Replace JAR : Checks if a older version JAR file already exists in the AEM installation directory. If it does, the script deletes the old JAR file and copies the new version JAR file to the installation directory. Execute New JAR : Opens a new Command Prompt window, navigates to the AEM installation path, and executes the new JAR file. The script will wait for 5 minutes to allow the JAR file to complete installation. During this time

AEM 6.3 Migration -osgi bundle whitelist error-osgi-service is NOT whitelisted to use SlingRepository.loginAdministrative

Are you facing such errors while migrating to AEM 6.3 : osgi bundle whitelist error-osgi-service is NOT whitelisted to use SlingRepository.loginAdministrative Here is a quick hack but please ensure not to use it in production I believe most of the AEM developers are aware that ResourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver   and   SlingRepository.loginAdministrative   methods have been defined to provide access to the resource tree and JCR Repository .  Consequently the following methods are being deprecated  ResourceResolverFactory.getAdministrativeResourceResolver ResourceProviderFactory.getAdministrativeResourceProvider SlingRepository.loginAdministrative and alternatively we started using service authentication method  getServiceResourceResolver to get the resourceResolver and then making a systme user and mapping service with user in felix congigurations. like this  < service - name > [: < subservice - name > ]= < authorizable id of

having a editable select(drop down) in Adobe AEM

You can add combobox widget with xtype as "combo" in the custom component dialog and add the property  editable  ,value= true. For events and other functions you can refer to

Add new style to list in rtePlugings

Add the list of styles as given below and then in your css file add the check mark image in css rule corresponding to the class name e.g  .className1{ background:url(check.png) 10px 0px  }       jcr:primaryType="cq:Widget"                     fieldLabel="Text"                     height="200"                     name="./text"                     xtype="richtext">                     <rtePlugins jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">                         <styles                             jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"                             features="*">                             <styles jcr:primaryType="cq:WidgetCollection">                                 <className1                                     jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"                                     cssName="className1"                                     text=

AEM 6.1 Touch UI Component Inplace editing

Make sure you have  editorType="text" or editorType="textImage" property  added to the inlineEditing node. Refer to xml below: <jcr:root xmlns:cq="" xmlns:jcr="" xmlns:nt=""     cq:actions="[text:Text/Image,-,EDIT,DELETE]"     cq:dialogMode="floating"     cq:layout="editbar"     jcr:primaryType="cq:EditConfig">     <cq:inplaceEditing         jcr:primaryType="cq:InplaceEditingConfig"          active="{Boolean}true"         editorType="text" >         <config jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">             <rtePlugins jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured">                 <subsuperscript                     jcr:primaryType="nt:unstructured"                     features="*"/>             </rtePlugins>         <