AEM sites master architect certification preparation questions - AD0-E117 - Free - Don't buy dumps
dispatcher ignoreurlparam rule -1 /ignoreUrlParams { # ignore-all-url-parameters-by-dispatcher-and-requests-are-cached /0001 { /glob "*" /type "allow" } # allow-the-url-parameter-nocache-to-bypass-dispatcher-on-every-request /0002 { /glob "nocache" /type "deny" } } CTT enable wipe mode and One question related to user sync -2 dispatcher secure content vs CDN caching 2 steps to consider before migrating assets What other two actions should the Architect do to the on-premise AEM before proceeding with the ingestion/extraction phase in CTT smart crop vs smart imaging - question is which to chose for aspect ratio question to revamp from multiple static templates with different properties in each template to be migrated to editable templates 2 types to tests executed before go live- stress/load segmentnotfound error in logs - answer is to revert to last best version of segment 1 question related to reindex 1 question related...